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Re: Еще один перелом "около фиксатора"
V. M. Iyer 15 Январь 2004, 08:31
"There are different ways of skinning a cat" as Anil would put it. If I were to do this, I would open up, remove the earlier implants, reduce the fracture accurately,plan a 90* Richards, do a couple or more of interfrag screws first, in locations where it would not come in the way of the screws of the plate, (which then makes the femur one piece) then complete the Richards fixation.This is in spite of the fact that I am a vehemant interlocker.
A Sirus nail if guided properly and one gets a reduction can be used too. The different holes in the proximal part of the nail will allow screws in the nck and across the fragments and also lock distally. I might be spending more time doing that than the 90* Richards, but that is one very good way of tackling this. One needs to open only minimally to remove the earlier implants.

Dr V M Iyer
. Iyer Orthopaedic Centre,
103,Railway lines Solapur India.
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    Re: Еще один перелом "около фиксатора"
    Alexander Chelnokov 17 Январь 2004, 19:02
    VMI> Richards fixation.This is in spite of the fact that I am a vehemant
    VMI> interlocker.

    Why in the case you decided not in favour of nailing?

    VMI> A Sirus nail if guided properly and one gets a reduction can be used too.
    VMI> The different holes in the proximal part of the nail will allow screws in

    I've never met the nail befor - any more info on the technique?
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