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2004 Edinburgh International Trauma Symposium and Instructional Trauma Courses
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Chris Oliver 13 Февраль 2004, 22:00
Edinburgh International Trauma Symposium - Weds 11th to Fri 13th August 2004 and Instructional Course.
The Edinburgh International Trauma Symposium was established in 1987 with the aim of disseminating and discussing current philosophies of orthopaedic trauma management. Different aspects of orthopaedic trauma and its management are discussed each year, with the emphasis being on new ideas and philosophies. The meeting has grown in size over the years and now attracts 200 - 300 participants from over 35 countries. This will be the 18th annual Edinburgh International Trauma Symposium. The themes include an overall view of proximal femoral fractures including prediction and outcome, arthroplasty in trauma, fractures round the elbow, minimally invasive surgery, the severely injured patient, and discussion of bone morphogenic proteins and bone cements. There will also be small group discussions dealing with a wide range of orthopaedic trauma topics of interest to orthopaedic surgeons. We are pleased to welcome an experienced Faculty from Europe and North America.
Edinburgh Instructional Course - Mon 9th to Fri 13th August 2004
This is the 4th Edinburgh Instructional Course dealing with orthopaedic trauma. The course was introduced in 2001 to provide education in orthopaedic trauma to surgeons in training, and also senior orthopaedic nurses and senior physiotherapists. It is of particular benefit to surgeons preparing for their orthopaedic fellowship examination. The course is presented as a 5-day event dealing with adult and paediatric orthopaedic trauma. The course format comprises lectures supplemented by case presentations and small group discussion. Delegates receive the key references relating to each subject. Informality is encouraged and there is ample time for discussion of all subjects. The instructional course is run in association with the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. There will be a quiz on Wednesday 11th August, and the winner will receive a copy of Skeletal Trauma by Browner et al.
The Venue: 2004 Trauma Symposium and Instructional Course will be held at the Edinburgh Conference Centre at the Heriot Watt University. This purpose-built centre is one of the UK's leading academic conference and exhibition centres, and is located on the university campus at Riccarton, on the west side of Edinburgh close to the airport. The Conference Centre is situated in beautiful grounds and offers free use of sport and exercise facilities. Heriot Watt Campus is 6 miles (10km) from the City Centre, with a frequent bus service operating to and from the city centre until late. It is 10 minutes from Edinburgh Airport. Map of the venue click here.
Social Events: There will be no formal evening event during the Symposium or Instructional Course as we have found that so many of the delegates wish to discover Edinburgh and its environs. The Symposium takes place in Scotland’s historic and cosmopolitan capital during August when the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Edinburgh International Festival, Book Festival, Film Festival and Television Festival all take place. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo is world famous. During this period the city never sleeps! Among the many visitor attractions, offering something for everyone are Dynamic Earth, the National Museum of Scotland and the Former Royal Yacht Britannia. Interested in golf? Edinburgh and the Lothian have over golf 25 courses with many available to non-members. A Golf Pass is also available from the Edinburgh Tourist Board, offering discounts. Eating out is no problem! You will be spoilt for choice, with a wide range of restaurants and bistros as well as over 700 bars. To view a Scottish Web Cam click here.
Symposium Co-Ordinator: Mrs Carol Hajducka, Room G3219A, SORT-IT, Edinburgh Orthopaedic Trauma Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France, Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh, EH16 4SU 0131 242 3545 Fax 0131 242 3541 e-mail: Please write, phone, fax or e-mail for illustrated particulars and booking forms for the Symposium

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