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Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено hasan 15 Сентябрь 2004, 16:46 a
dear Collague INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS, +15.314 MEDICAL JOURNALS, FREE MEDICAL JOURNALS This website harbors information regarding more than 13.314 medical journals from over 50 countries. Examples are: Instruction to authors, SCI-E Journals, PUB MED-Index Medicus Journals, Free Medical Journals. Just enter a few keywords for your search.
ORGANIZATION, ASSOCIATION, SOCIETIES +18.023 Over 12.023 medical organizations, associations and societies can be searched for their web addresses through our search engine. ANNOUNCEMENT! SPECIAL JOURNALS Editors of medical journals are welcome to advertise their journals. This introduction can be in any language with less than 250 words. We are looking for your introductory notices. POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS, LECTURES. Thousands of topics in all fields of medicine. Knowledge accumulates as it is shared. Let us know the links of presentations you would like to share Best regards

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