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Live Webcast: Triathlon Knee System
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Alex Fraser 03 Декабрь 2004, 03:19
Stryker Orthopaedics will sponsor a live webcast of a total knee replacement procedure featuring the new Triathlon Knee System, direct from the Advances in Surgical Technology meeting in New York City on December 3, 2004 from 1:00 - 1:45PM EST.
This webcast event is an opportunity for surgeons to gain a practical understanding of how the Triathlon Knee System was designed for natural knee motion. The efficiency, flexibility and orthonomic design of Triathlon's new instrumentation will be highlighted during the procedure. The total knee procedure will feature a cruciate retaining TKA performed by Kirby D. Hitt, MD, Scott & White Memorial Hospital, Temple, TX. Steven F. Harwin, MD, FACS, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY, will moderate the procedure from the Advances in Surgical Technology meeting in NYC. The Triathlon Knee System incorporates features designed to provide benefits to surgeons, OR staff and patients. Alex Fraser Director Of Marketing slp3D, Inc.

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    Re: Live Webcast: Triathlon Knee System
    Anton Vakulenko 03 Декабрь 2004, 03:42
    Не совсем по теме: кто знает как перевести эти волшебные аббревиатуры EST, GMT и все остальные их варианты в Московское время?

    С уважением,
    А. В. Вакуленко
    [ Ответить ]

    • Re: Live Webcast: Triathlon Knee System
      Отправитель: Alexander Chelnokov 03 Декабрь 2004, 03:43
      AV> EST,

      Eastern Standard Time

      AV> GMT

      Greenwich Meridian Time

      AV> и все остальные их варианты в Московское время?

      EST = GMT-5
      Московское = GMT+3

      [ Ответить ]
    Re: Live Webcast: Triathlon Knee System
    Andrew Kelly 03 Декабрь 2004, 23:44
    I would be interested to see this, but am not available at that time. Do you plan to make it available as archive, perhaps through your hyperguide?

    Andrew Kelly
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