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7th European Trauma Congress, May 14 - 17, 2006
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Prof. Dr. Vladimir Smrkolj 27 Декабрь 2004, 16:59
Dear colleagues!
It is a great honour for me to invite you, in the name of Slovenian Trauma Society, to the 7th European Trauma Congress that is to be held in Ljubljana from May 14 - 17, 2006.
The main topic of the congress is geriatric trauma.
Other topics are:
- Polytrauma
- Pelvic Fractures
- Pathologic Fractures
- Abdominal Trauma
- Cost-benefit in Traumatology
- Navigation in Traumatology
- Management of Complication in Trauma
Information on congress is available at the website: announcement with Call for abstracts will be issued in February 2005.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005 and we look forward to meeting you in Slovenia in 2006!
Yours Sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Smrkolj
Slovenian Trauma Society

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