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Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено chris wilson 05 Декабрь 2005, 23:13
We are a large University Hospital and have established a Knee Fellowship,with salary.
We were keen to start to forge links with institutions in “developing” countries, at least where Knee reconstruction and Joint replacement were concerned eg. China, parts of Russia, Far East.Do list members have any experience with or ideas of training institutions in those parts who might be interested in sending trainees over to the UK to learn TKR, Osteotomy, Ligament reconstruction etc etc? Thanks Chris WilsonConsultant Orthopaedic and Trauma SurgeonUniversity HospitalCardiffUK

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    Re: training
    A. Sitnik 06 Декабрь 2005, 01:04
    Hello Chris!
    I think we could participate.
    In our clinic we have about 360 orthopedic beds, among them 1 department (60 beds) concentrated entirely on knee problems.
    We'd like to have more information about your project, can send you desirable information about us.

    Alexandre Sitnik
    Belarus Scientific and researh institute for traumatology and orthopedics.
    Minsk, Belarus
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    Re: training
    Evgueny Tchekashkine 08 Декабрь 2005, 01:17
    Cаша, приветствую,

    Интересно было бы узнать у Кристофера ,каким образом их университет решает вопросы регистрации в GMC для иностранных стажеров из * развивающихся* стран или под эту программу они договариваются со своим мед.советом об ограниченной временной регистрации?
    Будь добр, не сочти за труд, расспроси Криса о деталях процедуры.
    Заранее благодарен,
    Всего Доброго,
    [ Ответить ]

    • Re: training
      Отправитель: Alexander Chelnokov 08 Декабрь 2005, 01:18
      Женя, я и по-русски слова-то не все понимаю, которые ты спрашиваешь, так что pls спроси прямо тут по-английски про это все, он и ответит.

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    Re: training
    Evgueny Tchekashkine 09 Декабрь 2005, 21:55
    Hello Chris,

    Refering to your message about Clinical Fellowship in Knee Surgery I will appreciate if you could specify what are the conditions and basic requirements for a candidate (non-UK graduates, non- EU citizens) in order to be enrolled in programme. So far I know that in order to practice or doing postgraduate study in UK the candidate
    should be registered with GMC and the registration number is granted only in case if definite post offer is submitted to Council after successful PLAB examinations. Will you e-mail to forum the detailed description of application procedure for potential candidates.

    Thank you in advance,
    Kind regards,
    Evgueny Tchekashkine MD( Moscow)
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    Re: training
    idongesit itaketo 10 Декабрь 2005, 04:24
    Dear Chris,
    I do wish to inquire further information on the issue of fellowship because i am interested and have been coming to the UK for such an opporturnity.
    I am presently in the Donetsk institute of and development of traumatology and orthopeadics, Ukraine.
    thanks for yours anticipated cooperation
    yours Idongesit
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    Re: training
    Lapusto Alexander 13 Январь 2006, 00:26
    Thank you for your invitation, interesting information.I live and wark in Soligorsk in Belarus. I work in orthopedic trauma unit. Please send some information about possibility of the period of trial in your hoshutal.

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