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ISAKOS Congress in JAPAN
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено yasunobu iwasaki 28 Декабрь 2008, 21:18
Dear colleagues,7th Biennial ISAKOS Congress () will be held from April 4 to April 9 at Osaka, Japan.
Anshin clinic will be accepting visitors who attend the congress. The location of the clinic is in city of Kobe (, 40 minutes from Osaka by train or car. We have four operating theaters with Stryker Infinity Arthroscopy system( for knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle and wrist arthroscopy. This system is utilized for micro-endoscopic discectomy as well. Also we do more than 300 joint reconstructions annually.

Those of who are interested in visiting our clinic while stay in Japan for ISAKOS Congress, please e-mail me.


Anshin Clinic, Director

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    Re: ISAKOS Congress in JAPAN
    Максим Королев 14 Январь 2009, 21:34
    Хотелось бы узнать по подробнее и на русском языке. А то на сайте требуется ввести пароль и регистрацию, а в регистрации постоянно отказывает.
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