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8th ICRS World Congress
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Stephan Seiler 29 Март 2009, 23:55
Welcome to the 8th ICRS World Congress to be held this year in warm and lively Miami Florida, USA.
The ICRS mission is to promote cartilage progress through education throughout the world. In the early years, the society was formed by transatlantic friends. Today, this international society is focused on truly living up to the word "International" in its name.

This is evidenced by the "ICRS meets South America and ICRS meets Japan" programs - which will soon roll out to all continents. The 2009 ICRS world congress is reaching out to cartilage scientists, surgeons and industry leaders of all nations to share their common interests and passion about cartilage. The desire to ultimately aid patients with prearthritis who would be otherwise doomed to an arthritic future is what drives us all to seek the holy grail of cartilage repair—true hyaline cartilage. Join us as we continue to explore this intriguing path.

The scientific programme committee has been working for the past 2 years (!!!) on organizing a state of the art educational opportunity in cartilage. This past fall a record number of 450 abstracts were reviewed and an outstanding programme is now finalized. To describe the program as “state of the art” would be a disservice: the final presentations outline not only the current, but also the future state of the art and the science of cartilage.
12 Free Paper Sessions, 2 Poster viewing Sessions, 17 Special Sessions, 5 Plenary sessions, 6 industry satellite symposia and 8 Workshops will allow to witness many of these new break-throughs.

As we meet with old friends and make new ones, it is always important to mix education with a time to talk, reflect, enjoy life and experience the local scene. Miami is truly a fantastic venue to bring this to fruition.

Please join us for the welcoming reception on Saturday at the hotel Intercontinental and the promising cruise party on Sunday evening aboard the "Biscayne Lady" with live Carribean Music to enjoy the sea, dinner and camaraderie and libations as you see fit.

We look forward to seeing old cartilage friends and making new ones in beautiful warm and breezy Miami.

We are also very pleased to inform you that the new ICRS Newsletter "Spring Edition 2009" is now online in the restricted member section of our website. A printed copy will be mailed to you within the next 2 weeks.

We hope you enjoy it. The editoris would be very grateful to receive your reactions, ideas and eventually your contribution fore the next edition.

With our very best regards

Stephan Seiler
ICRSE Executive Office

on behalf of the Scientific Programme Committee ICRS 09
Local Organising Committee ICRS 09
Communication Committee

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