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Restoration of Function in Upper Limb Paralyses and Muscular Defects
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 27 Май 2009, 08:34
Raoul Tubiana, Alain Gilbert, Caroline Leclercq, René Malek "Restoration of Function in Upper Limb Paralyses and Muscular Defects"Informa HealthCare | English | 2008-12-10 | ISBN: 1841843814 | 470 pages | PDF | 14 MB
The definitive study guide, Restoration of Functions in Upper Limb Paralyses and Muscular Defects gives you the necessary information for the surgical management of muscular defects and neurobiological disorders of the upper extremity, and details the restoration of essential functions in this area.

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