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Color Atlas of Burn Reconstructive Surgery
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 19 Август 2010, 00:24
Hiko Hyakusoku, Dennis P. Orgill, Luc Teot, Julian J. Pribaz, Rei Ogawa, "Color Atlas of Burn Reconstructive Surgery" Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 3642050697 | 500 pages | PDF | 32,4 MB
Post-burn scar contractures are a commonly encountered problem in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Nevertheless, many physicians still lack adequate knowledge on beneficial treatments. In this up-to-date atlas, leading specialists in post-burn treatment and the reconstruction of post-burn scar contractures depict in detail not only surgical techniques but also a variety of advantageous wound treatments. Many new methods invented by the authors are presented. Operative techniques are depicted in detail, and clear guidance is provided on selection of the most appropriate flap surgery. Advice is also given on how to prevent permanently disabling restriction of joint movement as a result of contractures and how to achieve good aesthetic reconstruction. This atlas is designed to appeal to a wide audience, from beginners to specialists. It will prove invaluable for doctors of every kind who deal with wound management.

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    Re: Color Atlas of Burn Reconstructive Surgery
    Александр Петрушин 19 Август 2010, 14:08
    Большое спасибо! Нет ли какой-либо литературы по травмам и заболеваниям кисти, был бы очень признателен!
    Александр Петрушин.
    [ Ответить ]

    • Re: Color Atlas of Burn Reconstructive Surgery
      Отправитель: Дедок М 19 Август 2010, 23:09

      только надо зарегистрироваться. И чтобы увидеть ссылку нужно нажать Thanks

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      • Re: Color Atlas of Burn Reconstructive Surgery
        Отправитель: Александр Петрушин 21 Август 2010, 21:13

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      • Re: Color Atlas of Burn Reconstructive Surgery
        Отправитель: SAGo 23 Август 2010, 19:06
        Спасибо. Теперь бы прочитать все это!!??

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