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A Textbook of Paediatric Orthopaedics
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 11 Сентябрь 2010, 11:34
Broughton, Nigel S. Broughton, "A Textbook of Paediatric Orthopaedics" W.B. Saunders Company | 1997 | ISBN: 0702019623 | 336 pages | PDF | 25,4 MB
B. Saunders. Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Textbook for orthopedic surgeons in training. Covers the basic principles of the field, investigation, and management. Halftone illustrations.SynopsisPaediatric orthopaedics is an important subspecialty for the orthopaedic surgeon in training. A good understanding of the principles is essential for examination success and subsequent practice. This concise textbook presents all the essential topics in a clear and readable form, from the level of basic principles, covering presentation, investigation and management, in a logical and ordered fashion. Superbly and liberally illustrated, this text is an essential learning and revision resource for all orthopaedic surgeons in training.Table of ContentsContributors Foreword Preface Acknowledgements Ch. 1 Orthopaedic assessment 1 Ch. 2 General approach to paediatric orthopaedics 13 Ch. 3 Normal and pathological gait 21 Ch. 4 Lower limb deficiencies 27 Ch. 5 Skeletal dysplasias 39 Ch. 6 Metabolic bone disease 65 Ch. 7 Bone and soft tissue tumours 75 Ch. 8 The orthopaedic management of cerebral palsy 101 Ch. 9 Spina bifida 115 Ch. 10 Neuromuscular disorders of childhood 131 Ch. 11 Bone and joint infection 149 Ch. 12 Juvenile chronic arthritis 165 Ch. 13 Osteochondritic conditions 175 Ch. 14 Normal variants: intoeing, bow legs and flat feet 183 Ch. 15 The upper limb 193 Ch. 16 Developmental dysplasia of the hip 203 Ch. 17 Perthes disease 219 Ch. 18 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis 229 Ch. 19 The knee 239 Ch. 20 The foot 251 Ch. 21 The spine 267 Ch. 22 Upper limb trauma 283 Ch. 23 Lower limb trauma 299 Ch. 24 Limb length inequality 313 Index 327

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