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Stefano Zaffagnini, David Dejour, Elizabeth A. Arendt, "Patellofemoral Pain, Instabilty, and Arthritis: Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Treatment"
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Дедок Михаил 20 Декабрь 2010, 23:28
Stefano Zaffagnini, David Dejour, Elizabeth A. Arendt, "Patellofemoral Pain, Instabilty, and Arthritis: Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Treatment"
Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 3642054234 | 334 pages | PDF | 12,8 MB

Despite numerous studies, a lack of consensus still exists over many aspects of patellofemoral pain, instability, and arthritis. This book adopts an evidence-based approach to assess each of these topics in depth. The book reviews general features of clinical examination and global evaluation techniques including the use of different imaging methods, e.g. x-rays, CT, MRI, stress x-rays, and bone scan. Various conservative and surgical treatment approaches for each of the three presentations – pain, instability, and arthritis – are then explained and assessed.
Postoperative management and options in the event of failed surgery are also evaluated. Throughout, careful attention is paid to the literature in an attempt to establish the level of evidence for the efficacy of each imaging and treatment method. It is hoped that this book will serve as an informative guide for the practitioner when confronted with disorders of the patellofemoral joint.

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    Re: Stefano Zaffagnini, David Dejour, Elizabeth A. Arendt, "Patellofemoral Pain, Instabilty, and Arthritis: Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Treatment"
    Aleksey 21 Декабрь 2010, 05:50
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    Re: Stefano Zaffagnini, David Dejour, Elizabeth A. Arendt, "Patellofemoral Pain, Instabilty, and Arthritis: Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Treatment"
    николай гуза 22 Декабрь 2010, 23:00
    Огромное спасибо!
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    Re: Stefano Zaffagnini, David Dejour, Elizabeth A. Arendt, "Patellofemoral Pain, Instabilty, and Arthritis: Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Treatment"
    Александрь Петрушин 23 Декабрь 2010, 21:30
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