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Shoulder Arthroscopy
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Tozzik 05 Октябрь 2012, 21:59
James Tibone, Felix H. III Savoie, "Shoulder Arthroscopy" 2012 (2003 ed) | ISBN-10: 144192972X | PDF | 288 pages | 42 MB
With the dramatic evolution of shoulder arthroscopy techniques over the past five years, practitioners must search through numerous educational resources to learn about specific indications and definitive techniques. The field of orthopaedics lacks an all-encompassing text that is strictly and exclusively devoted to shoulder arthroscopy. Drs. James Tibone, Felix Savoie III, and Benjamin Shaffer have assembled the leading authorities in shoulder arthroscopy to provide the practitioner with invaluable information on the most cutting edge procedures to treat impingement problems, frozen shoulder, calcific tendonitis, and shoulder instability. This comprehensive, practical volume is enhanced with striking illustrations, detailing the surgical technique from positioning to closure. The chapter format gives introductory comments about disease/disorder, clinical presentation, surgical indications/patient selection, contraindications, surgical techniques, results, complications and pitfalls. There are also selected references and recommended readings at the end of each chapter. Shoulder Arthroscopy will be essential for all practicing orthopaedic surgeons, sports medicine and shoulder specialists who want to expand their expertise in this area.!download|360p4|1094693866|144192972X_Shoulder.pdf|43596|0|0

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    Re: Shoulder Arthroscopy
    Monastyrev V 17 Октябрь 2012, 18:09
    Я просто восхищен от этой книги!!!! Огромное спасибо!!!!! Это помощь для полного понимания проблем плечевого сустава!!! Боюсь спросить, может у Вас еще что-нибудь есть по плечу?
    Заранее благодарен!!

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    Re: Shoulder Arthroscopy
    Volodymyr Kovalchuk 19 Октябрь 2012, 07:30
    Спасибо огромное!!! Хотел связатся с одним из авторов Felix H. III Savoie, т.к. как раз прохожу стажировку в Джэксоне, но оказалось что он уже работает в Новом Орлеане
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