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AOTrauma Courses, November 7-10, 2013. Zagreb, Croatia
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено AO Trauma Croatia 09 Июнь 2013, 22:50
Dear Friends,

We are informing you that the AOTrauma Courses in Croatia will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, between 7-10 of November, 2013. in hotel Aristos.
This year, we will have three different Courses:

1. AOTrauma Course : Advances in Operative Fracture Management for Surgeons
2. AOTrauma Course: Lower Extremity for Surgeons

For the Operating Room personnel:

3. AOTrauma Course : Advances in Operative Fracture Management for ORP

We kindly ask all that are interested to register as early as possible due to the workshop limited number of places!

The course fees are the following:

Advances Course for Surgeons 399 euro
Lower Extremity Course for Surgeons 399 euro
Advances Course for ORP 299 euro
Course dinner 35 euro

Please find enclosed the Preliminary Program details together with the Application form!

With Kind regards,

AOTrauma Chapter Croatia

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