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Rotator Cuff Disorders: Basic Science and Clinical Medicine
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 31 Май 2014, 14:43
Nicola Maffulli, ‎John P. Furia - Rotator Cuff Disorders: Basic Science and Clinical MedicinePublished: 2012-04-30 | ISBN: 1907816089 | PDF | 185 pages | 24 MB
This highly illustrated text highlights latest best practice in the management of rotator cuff and associated pathologies. It includes comprehensive basic science and clinical chapters authored by some of the world's most experienced and expert shoulder surgeons. Provides a comprehensive overview of the pathophysiology of rotator cuff disease at an appropriate level for non-specialist orthopedists, sports medicine physicians and physical therapists. Offers timely, reader-friendly and practical methods for the diagnosis and treatment of rotator cuff disorders, and advice on areas of debate within the field, e.g. the use of Platelet rich plasma in tendon healing. International contributor list primarily from North America and Europe includes some of the most respected and accomplished shoulder surgeons in the world, thereby ensuring the book reflects global best practice. Chapters written to template to ensure consistency of approach and readability.

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    Re: Rotator Cuff Disorders: Basic Science and Clinical Medicine
    Kamo 01 Июнь 2014, 12:45
    спасибо !
    [ Ответить ]

    • Re: Rotator Cuff Disorders: Basic Science and Clinical Medicine
      Отправитель: Максим 01 Июнь 2014, 20:19

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      • Re: Rotator Cuff Disorders: Basic Science and Clinical Medicine
        Отправитель: Канымет 05 Июнь 2014, 00:21

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        • Re: Rotator Cuff Disorders: Basic Science and Clinical Medicine
          Отправитель: Sereda Andrey 17 Июнь 2014, 11:41
          Боян :[////////]:

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