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Surgical Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 14 Март 2015, 19:49
urgical Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma by James P. Stannard and Andrew H. SchmidtEnglish | 2007 | ISBN: 1588903079, 3131369418 | 976 pages | PDF | 190 MB
Winner of First Prize in Orthopaedics and Rheumatology at the 2008 British Medical Association Medical Book CompetitionWinner of Association of American Publishers Best Book in Clinical Medicine, 2007This landmark multimedia reference presents the most current information on surgical treatments of a wide range of injuries, from complex pelvic and spinal trauma to periarticular fractures and knee dislocations. For each injury, the authors guide the reader from the clinical evaluation, through the decision-making process, and to the surgical procedure. Each chapter provides a thorough review of surgical anatomy, streamlined discussion of the classification of the injury, the non-operative treatments available, and the indications for surgical treatment. Concise, step-by-step descriptions of surgical techniques are supplemented by carefully edited videos of surgical procedures on four accompanying DVDs, containing over 18 hours of video footage.Highlights of the book:Tips and Tricks summarize key points of each procedure for rapid review in preparation for surgeryExam Pearls describe injuries, incidence, indications for surgery, and possible complications and are ideal for board preparationMore than 1,400 photographs, radiographs, and drawings illustrate techniquesNew Techniques sections cover the latest innovations for surgical management

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    Re: Surgical Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma
    Анатолий Коробейников 17 Март 2015, 08:16
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    Re: Surgical Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma
    Pavel Ivanov 17 Март 2015, 15:57
    Добрый день!
    Что-то давно от Вас книжек не было. Я уже было заволновался.
    Сейчас вижу, что живы-здоровы.
    Большое спасибо!

    С уважением,

    П.А. Иванов
    отделение сочетанной и множественной травмы
    НИИСП им. Н.В. Склифосвского
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    Re: Surgical Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma
    Tozzik 17 Март 2015, 19:20
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Surgical Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma
    П.Ромчук 18 Март 2015, 00:44
    [ Ответить ]

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