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2016 AAOS International Surgical Skills Scholarship Award Program
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Евгения Брусенская 11 Июль 2015, 11:08
Уважаемые коллеги,
2016 AAOS International предлагает принять участие травматологам-ортопедам в грантовой программе.
AAOS awards scholarships to international orthopaedic surgeons from countries with limited resources to attend hands-on orthopaedic surgical skills course with cadaveric specimens in the Orthopaedic Learning Center in Rosemont, Illinois, USA and have a week-long observership at a US hospital.

AAOS offers scholarships each year on a rotating basis to orthopaedic surgeons in one of two geographic regions of the world. For the 2016 scholarship year, applications will be accepted from qualified orthopaedic surgeons who are citizens of selected countries in Europe, Asia and Pacific identified by the World Bank as low to upper middle income (based on Gross National Income). See here the full list of countries.

Eligible orthopaedists are invited to apply online by completing the International Scholarship Application, submitting their Curriculum Vitae, required essays, an official letter from their national or specialty society confirming that they are current members in good standing, and two letters of recommendation. The due date is 27 July 2015.

For additional information about the International Surgical Skills Scholarship Programs, including comments from previous scholarship recipients, please visit our website: > Information for International Orthopaedists (right hand column) > AAOS International Surgical Skills Scholarship Program or click on the link below:Евгения Брусенская

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    Re: 2016 AAOS International Surgical Skills Scholarship Award Program
    Алексей Семенистый 12 Июль 2015, 04:08
    Интересная, должно быть, программа. Вот только России в числе стран с ограниченными ресурсами, для которых она доступна, нет

    [ Ответить ]

    • Re: 2016 AAOS International Surgical Skills Scholarship Award Program
      Отправитель: Александр Ситник 12 Июль 2015, 11:22
      Не быть в списке бедных тоже повод для радости:)
      Но информация важна для стран-соседей, которые тоже читают форум.
      Я ездил в 2009 - рекомендую, взрыв мозга (в положительном смысле) обеспечен:)

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      • Re: 2016 AAOS International Surgical Skills Scholarship Award Program
        Отправитель: Алексей Семенистый 13 Июль 2015, 02:17
        Лучше быть в списке бедных, чем в списке изгоев((

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