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"Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management, 1st Edition, 2018"
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Алексей 22 Октябрь 2018, 22:53
Вышла в свет книга "Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management, 1st Edition, 2018" by Michael Blauth, Stephen L. Kates, Joseph A. Nicholas. With an increase in the longevity of the global population, care of the functional, cognitive, and physical health of older adults is essential. The dramatic demographic shift toward a growing aging population and an increase in osteoporotic fractures that has occurred over the last few decades especially in Western countries, has clearly shown the need for a comprehensive approach to treating fragility fractures by surgeons, geriatricians, and care staff. Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management is the first book of its kind to offer a well-rounded and comprehensive resource on fragility fractures and orthogeriatric care designed to help new and experienced surgeons, geriatricians, physicians, and care personnel to better work together and develop interprofessional and interdisciplinary systems so as to treat patients more effectively. The book contains 44 chapters and is divided into three sections: "Principles," "Improving system of care," and the case-based part "Decision making and special considerations in surgical care." The book's key features are: In-depth insight into the needs of older adults and how to best improve patient care, patient outcome, and reduce system costs.Twenty detailed and illustrative case-based chapters giving the reader a wide array of options to improve the patient care and outcomes.More than 1,000 high-quality x-rays, clinical images, and illustrations.

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    Re: "Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management, 1st Edition, 2018"
    Дедок Михаил 23 Октябрь 2018, 21:48
    Дык почти каждую неделю чёньть выходит....
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: "Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management, 1st Edition, 2018"
    Николай 25 Октябрь 2018, 21:55
    Желающим могу помочь с покупкой электронной книги. 10-15% от цены на Amazon. Книга стоит этого.
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    • Re: "Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management, 1st Edition, 2018"
      Отправитель: Дедок 25 Октябрь 2018, 23:34
      Спасибо, Николай. Думаю через месяц- другой найдем free.

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      • Re: "Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management, 1st Edition, 2018"
        Отправитель: Дед М 23 Ноябрь 2018, 22:03
        Ну вот, собственно...

        И ещё по гериатр травме:

        И по остеопорозу у стариков

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